Thursday, December 04, 2003

I should add that, despite my polywog fondness for "The Ghost in You", Mirror Moves is embarrassingly lite compared to the first, even second album. Which is why it's probably the one pre-John Hughes album of theirs you're likely to have heard the most songs from without ever having listened to the whole thing. And it fits in well with the rest of the "not-quite-gold-but-something" I was panning from the radio back then. I know that Eurythmics, Tears For Fears, and the Police weren't exactly mind-blowing (although "blow" might pop up in some people's description of their music) but there was a feeling of loss in their music that I looked forward to like I do a rainy day, an intelligence and lyricism that stuck with me in a way the insufferable bleating of Whitney Houston never would.

lonely in a crowded room
the radio plays out of tune

Jump forward seven years to the last Psychedelic Furs album World Outside. It's like they made a cd for their Grandmothers. I'm not saying it's bad. Given the right mood, I could enjoy most of it. But it's the prettiest music they ever made. And I prefer pretty to another Heartbreak Beat. Ok, enough.


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