Tuesday, September 23, 2003

now playing: The Mess We Made - Matt Elliott
Tomorrow is Mabon. Alban Elfed. The Autumnal Equinox. The first day of Fall. Tomorrow, day and night will be equal and here in the Northern Hemisphere the nights will continue getting longer and the days will lose their heat. When people were more aware of our dependency on the seasons this was a Harvest Festival, a Thanksgiving. People celebrated the bounty of their crops, felt joy for what the Sun had given them, felt sadness for the dying of the light, and began preparations for winter. I imagine as more time was spent indoors there was more time to think and Autumn/Winter became a time for reflection, and planning for Spring. Most of us aren't farmers but we do make plans for our life, we have our personal harvests. Have I been true to myself? Have I ignored my dreams and lavished water on weeds?


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