Thursday, September 25, 2003

Ok, the Mormons don't yet know that I lied to them but I'm a bit unnerved after what happened yesterday. I was in the basement of the public library looking for The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart (a book I read in 8th grade and I remember enjoying but I only recently found out it was the first of four). It's always checked out. I'm almost afraid to revisit the story after seeing her work labeled as Arthurian Romance anyway. Maybe I didn't pick up on that at 14. But what happened is that I'm heading toward the stairs and suddenly a large group of Elders, dressed identically, come pouring down like the bad guys from The Matrix. I had a dream once that a diesel was falling from the sky and I couldn't decide which way to run because I didn't know where it was going to land. So I just stood there. And of course I was recognized. And I was greeted and introduced to even more 'Mons (get it?). But luckily they had a gathering to get to so I was able to slip away. Sheesh. These situations have a way of dragging on throughout my life. I wish I knew what happened that made me so afraid of hurting people's feelings that I never allow myself the same leniency that I give them.


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